Another Successful Surveillance Audit: 14001 & 45001 🥇
Lintott Control Systems is proud to announce the successful Surveillance Audit of the Company’s Business Quality Management System to both ISO 45001 & ISO 14001. Moreover, 2023 marks a clean sweep for the 4th year running, with no minor or major non-conformances raised against either standard! Lintott first achieved certification to the original Health & Safety Standard in 2004 & this successful re-certification demonstrates to all stakeholders that the Company continually meets the requirements of internationally recognised best practice therein.
BS ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health & Safety, sets out the minimum requirements for occupational health & safety management best practice & is designed to minimise incidents regarding workplace health & safety.
BS EN ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management, sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. It maps out a framework that a company or organisation can follow so that environmental impacts can be minimised.
For Lintott’s valued clients, the accreditation serves as peace of mind. For Lintott Control Systems, the framework & benchmark are fundamental facets of the Company’s integrated continuous improvement programme.
For more information, please email our Business Assurance Team at businessassurance@lintottcs.co.uk.