UV Treatment Skids
A family of standardised factory-built ultra-violet disinfection systems for water & wastewater applications – ready for installation into existing structures.
Lintott’s integrated solutions provide proven performance against waterborne pathogens, including viruses, bacteria & protozoa – reliability with no known disinfection by-products!
Features & Benefits
- Load bearing steel skid framework incorporating pipe work supports.
- Duty/Standby UV Reactors, sized to suit UVT and water throughput.
- Duty/standby local control panels.
- Supervisory control panel with preferred hardware and software to suit.
- Monitoring equipment as required β Typically a UVT Transmission monitor.
- Pipework to suit the reactor sizing and site throughput, including actuated valving and flow monitoring.
- Fully factory tested to enable quick connection on site to local pipe work and electrical interfaces
Additional equipment can be supplied to suit requirements.
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