Ground-breaking end-to-end digitisation
3 years in the making, Lintott has now fully launched its industry-defining & award winning Digital Delivery Suite, i-Catalyst® (accessible via Lintott’s web-portal).
i-Catalyst® consists of a collection of integrated software-based collaborative tools, which enable both the client & company personnel to work together to plan, design, build & to deliver products, as well as to maximise equipment up time once in the field – collectively giving rise to dramatic benefits! The cornerstone of the suite is the “Lin-finity Builder” platform. This is an on-line full design application which enables electrical control panels & ICA sections to be designed / configured in a highly intuitive & automated environment – resulting in a major reduction in time & cost. A similar application for dosing products will be available very soon. Watch this space!
To discover more, please email sales@lintottcs.co.uk or contact 01603 594200 & ask to speak with a member of the sales team.