Further Strengthening: Information & Cyber Security
Lintott Control Systems Limited is pleased to advise that it has successfully renewed its Cyber Essentials certification – since first gaining accreditation in 2019. Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against ever-growing cyber threats.
On receiving notification, Andrew Pilkington, Director of Digital Delivery, commented: “Ongoing Cyber Essentials certification & operating in accordance with the Information Security Standard, ISO 27001, is essential to our business operations. Our growing credentials seek to provides stakeholder confidence that we’re working diligently in continually developing measures & controls which safeguards & prioritises data security. This includes ensuring that data is rigorously protected; that we assess, minimise, & eliminate risks & vulnerabilities; we’re compliant with the highest standard for information security; & we rigorously apply best practice to our IT, HR & information processes. The Company will very shortly be audited externally against the ISO 27001 standard – watch this space for an update.”